Registered Address
PPM Technology Ltd,
Unit 34-35,
Cibyn Industrial Estate,
LL55 2BD
Wales / UK
Telephone, Fax & Skype
Fax: +44 (0)1286 671 811
Skype TM : ''ppmtechltd''
Web-space administrator
e-Mail administrator

We welcome your comments and questions about our products, services and web site. Please direct your questions to the appropriate department...
Sales, Despatch & Accounts
If you need to find your local agent; purchase a product; check up on delivery charges and times or need our financial details then use these addresses.
Don't forget that many brochures are now available on-line from the downloads page.
R&D, Technical & Repairs
To ask more detailed technical questions to our chemists or engineers; request a quote for a bespoke system from our R&D department or check up on a returned instrument then use these contacts.
If you have a problem with one of our products then please check the Support Page first as the problem may have been fixed in an upgrade or discussed in the FAQ.
All incoming repairs must be accompanied by a completed Returns Cover Sheet which you can print-out and fill by hand.
Quality Control
As an ISO9000 registered company we pride ourselves on taking customer service and quality issues seriously. If the service you have received from PPM Technology has not met your expectations then we would like to hear you. Please Contact directly will help us improve our service to you. If you have not received satisfactory help from PPM Technology you may contact the company management directly and in total confidence via
Agents and Re-Sellers
We have a global network of distributors and re-sellers who can provide local support if you require. Click here for a full list of distributors in your country.